Your edits will not throw off the balance of this template’s overall look. This template is print-ready, fully layered, and easily customized, thanks to a grid-aligned layout. It supports two-page spread layouts for those more significant ideas and fashion moments and can easily be adapted to suit interior design or architectural fields. The Photography Portfolio InDesign template is straightforward in its presentation, yet it’s an absolute stunner. However, the layouts offer a fashion feel, so keep that in mind when downloading. It supports A4 and US Letter sizes and can easily be used for brochures, magazines, company reports, etc. It comes with 26 layouts, perfect for cobbling together a spread that works with your mission statement. The Free InDesign Lookbook Template offers a simple layout that allows your photographs to shine. Interactive Portfolio & Resume Template.Wonder Tour Photobook Template for InDesign.Clean & Minimal Portfolio InDesign Template.Stunning Portfolio Template for InDesign.Stylish Architecture Portfolio Template.Photography Portfolio InDesign Template.